Empowering globally ambitious founders

Singapore | New Delhi | Bengaluru | Helsinki

"Leo Capital have been partners with us since Day One. Their networks and experience in both India and the UK has played a massive role in our strategy of capital-efficient scaling"
Cian O’ Dowd
Co-Founder, Atoa

QuickReply.ai finds the best time and opportunities to nudge your contacts with flows like WhatsApp broadcasts, multi-step abandoned cart recovery, convert COD orders to prepaid, and many more.
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Lambdatest is a leading global continuous quality cloud platform. It is trusted by over 500,000+ developers and testers worldwide for cloud testing.
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Infraprime Logistics
IPL is the largest construction logistics marketplace in India. It also is the only heavy duty electric truck on the road!
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Vahak is the fastest growing open marketplace for road transportation in India. It has empowered 100K+ suppliers with community and demand generation.
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